October 26, Night (Cas)

12:22am - Hilton Hotel

Renee's got no stayin' power and dissapears to get some sleep. Obviously he is ranted out.

Ive been cruisin' the room looking for somethin' to do, coz I'm bored and restless. I was looking forward to dancing and headbutting some people tonight, but now im here. Never thought that I'd be missin' DJS' scratches when I got the invite to this swish place! Wow. Must tell him. I bet he blushes and goes all quiet like he usally does. It's so cute.

I'm looking in the cupboard and desk draws. Gideons. Great. I notice G's eyes scopin' me out even though he is pretening to read some book.

"Im bored. Lets order another bottle."

"Wanna get a nightcap from the bar downstairs?"
"Na. You lost your street priv's, G. Doc.. err.. Renee. I'm not used to so many quacks in the one room. Im not leavin' the sleepin' beauties alone."

He looks dissapointed and Im still bored.

He puts on that "I wasnt really interested" look that men fake so badly. Actually, it'd be nice to have a sugar daddy from this dumb crew.

"What-cha readin'? Anythin' about this?" spin round an' flash the flesh showin' him the Eye that Doc gets all worked up about. "DocR seems to think that he owns it. He keeps askin' me where I got the design from. What is he a weirdo? How are you mixed up with Dr Stalkie?"

"How do I know Renee? ... uhh... let's talk over there," Glenn says, motioning to the table in the corner, "so Renee can sleep. 'K? I'll order a bottle... what do you drink? I'm betting you aren't too fussy!" He smiles a big, friendly smile.

I smile back, all sweet and innocent. I get that tingling feeling. The combat has started, the opponents move in and start to size one another up....

"Somethin' a little harder maybe. Bubbly just dont give me that buzz, you know?" He starts dialin' and I make myself comfortable.

"You said something about street privilages? Err what?"

"The Doc checked in here under his own name. Like, anyone lookin' probably knows were we are. You know you people are all, like, out of your depth, don't cha?"

"What do you mean? You think there will be a threat to the group?"

"Well, let me think... one missing Doc, one dead Doc, one tailed Doc. Well Duh!" He looks worried. Ah, didnt mean to scare the poor Nathan. Oh man. "Look, I'll do what I can for ya all. I got no idea what the hell is going on here. I just know that I was eating quietly in some joint and the Doc and some other weirdos rock up. Now Im being followed and its probably because of that. I'm tryin' to work out what sort of trouble you people are in."

"Thats just weird.... How do you know Renee?"

"Well, im, like, having dinner when this old lady rocks up and touches my table and starts ranting about people being followed and all. Other people roll up and... [Basically fill in what happened. Include the fork thing, renee's going nuts at the tat, CJ talking about ritual magic stuff, the lady saying we should be together,]"

He looks thoughtful and changes the subject. Hmm. Somethin' shady going on here and the brother doesnt trust me.

"So, where you from?"

"Direct from heaven, baby!" I go all mysterious. Bzzzzt. Dead end lover.

He pauses and I cant tell if he thinks im telling the truth or just yankin' his chain. "Where do you live?"

"South side. BLAH's ville. Rough 'hood. Lots-o crime and grime. Not your sort of place."

"What you do?"

"Bouncer. Part time."

"No." He's thinking... almost... almost.. "Really?"

I stand and strike a Vogue for him. Like all Jonnathan. Do a flash move or two. "Yeah... wanna try me?"

"Er.. got any other tats?"

"Sure... I got" Someone's at the door. I trot over. A soft knock. I check the hole and its some room service brother. I call G over with a flip of my head and he signs the paper and tips the brother.

I grab the bottle of G, pop the cap and take a swig. He looks a little stunned, but takes it when Ive finished and takes a swig. He's grinnin' like some naughty school kid. Ooooh, "Edge play". Man, he needs to loosen up more.

I ditch some of my skins and take him on a guided tour of my ink. He asks a few questions about the meaning of various stuff and I spin him a line. Dont think he's ready for the truth yet.

Actually he seems hung up on the occult meaning of it all. He gets a bit weirded out by Set and the general Egyptian motif, but by 1/2 way through the bottle, he's chilled out some more and doesnt really care.
From: caligari [To: korg]
Also, Glenn probablly fills in some of the stuff about the meanings of the inks.
that is, he knows what the meanings are, perhaps more than Cas... Might finish
some thoughts. Might not be worth mentioning...
By the end of the bottle we seem seem to be gettin' on like a house on fire. I think he's mixed up in some of this wacko #@&$. He aint let nothin' specific slip, but just the way he answers....

He also given me the strong impression that Renee is something special. Renee is "The Man". He's knows stuff apparently. They all look up to him. And it seems to be about more than the Doctorin' stuff. G's sincere and not too sentimental - he's been impressed over time. Respect.

For Renee? Go figure.

The bottle is starting to work now. Im getting a bit of a buzz and I notice that G's doing the "shhhhh! *giggle* *giggle*" thing. We try and keep it down because noone wants to want the Doc.

He asks some about DJS' club and I end up trying to introduce G to techno dance steps. He's all touchy-feely now and is stomping round the room like a baboon, havin' the time of his life trying to dance with me without music. I think he's going to wake the others, but he flops into a seat and the sleepies hit before be breaks anything.

He gets that unfocussed smile and the lights in his eyes pop out as the lids fall. All of a sudden he says: "I think I'm gonna..." but luckly he just collapses in a big smiling heap.


I'm all twitchy now.

I pull off his pants, take off his tie and shoes. One, two and a firemans life and he's onto my shoulders and I carry him into Renee's room.

I pop back, fold his clothes and check through his wallet for anything intesting.

Its going to be a long night.

I call for headphones and the room service people seem to think some sort of alien beamed into their hotel. Eventually they roll up and they wont fit into the radio. Great. So its MTV or nothing.

Oh great. A Britteny Spears special. Nothing then. Someone kill me.

Its going to be a long night.

I leave the lights off and sneak into the bathroom and run a bath (slowly). Maybe I can soak the jitters out? The bath finally fills and I make sure the door is open so I can watch over my herd.

I strip and slide into the hot water and my body relaxes in the scaulding water. Ahhhhhhh.

I run through the events of the day in my head. What a weird one.

I hear G move round in the bedroom. Sounds like he's started spinning disks. He's not DJS, but he aint half bad. I get up and walk out to catch some beats. CJ's at the minibar serving Jumbo sized drinks in glasses the size of buckets. Oh yeah! The glass is fosty cool and she tries to shout something to me, but G's really in the swing now and the beats are rockin' too loud. Some yuppie comes over and tries to slime onto me, I spin, grab his wrist and twist until something wet snaps inside. Man that feels good. I look into the glass and somethings moving inside. Its a..., oh shit, its a dead woman. She's had her throat slit. She slides up to the side of the glass and her dead face presses against the side of the glass. Her throat has been slit open in the same pattern as the tat on my back. Someone did some art on this chick.

Her throat-eye opens up and blinks at me. Its alive!!! The glass goes up the celing now, and I push it away. It starts to rock round, tilting. The eye stares and... The glass tips forward... It stares. It blinks. It reads me. It comes closer as the glass tips. The eye catches mine and I am transfixed. It stares at me. Inside me.... deeper still.. the glass starts to fall and the drink floods the room. I start to swim up, gasping for breath.... its cold and my lungs hurt. The dead lady tangles in my feet, pulling me down....

I splash up to the surface in the bath and wake up shivering. I must have fallen asleep. Errrg! The bath is cold. I get up, dry off and go slip into bed.

Screw this...

Original material copyright © 2000-2003, Cameron Blackwood: www.darkqueen.org/docs/rpg/ua/cas/diary/

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