October 26, Afternoon (Official)

Renee returned to his offices, where the radiology machines were playing up. He was immediately assailed by questions about the whereabouts of both Michael Warnock and Claire Dowd, neither of whom had shown up. He decided to head out to Michael's place to see what had happened.

When the tail outside the medical facility finally left (apparently not following anyone), Cas called Renee's mobile to alert him. She found that he was in transit, and was instructed to take a taxi to Michael's home.

First Renee, and then the two of them, searched around Michael's home, which was by all appearances quite empty. In the end they found the door to the basement was open, and located Claire's dead body; she had her throat cut, but there were no signs of a struggle.

Renee got into trouble chasing a nosy neighbour, and was ultimately cuffed and put into a police cruiser to settle down while a statement was taken about his "home invasion". Cas had used Renee's mobile to call Campbell, in the meantime, and the detective soon arrived. She took a uniform with her and located the body. Renee's connection to the body was established and he was released to her care. Campbell managed to claim the crime scene as her own, and started an investigation.

Renee departed hastily when he realized that his family might be in danger as well, and was unable to contact them by phone. Cas eventually made the trek back to the south side.

Renee sent his family off to visit a relative and then called the rest of his team at work. They organized to get their families safe and then book themselves into the Hilton for the night. Soon he called Cas and convinced her (really had to twist her arm, let me tell you) to come over as well, as protection.

By the evening Olga had managed to determine that Father Tipsy was out of town and would be back on the weekend. She also had some idea of where to find him when he was around.

When she returned home, Lindsay found a message from a considerate Campbell. It warned that some of the group seemed to be being watched or followed. Lindsay was unable to detect any such observation taking place, but made herself ready to leave at the drop of a hat. She made her bed amongst the animal cages she is responsible for tending.

Over in the Hilton, Renee, Cas, and the other doctors all had a bit of a chat about what was going on, and decided to sleep on it.

Copyright © 2000-2003, Liam Routt

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