October 27, Morning (Official)

Friday morning, both Lindsay and a man we will call Aidan (for now) were to be at the Saint-Claire medical facility rather early to meet various people. Aidan had been called as an expert consultant to discuss a case with Michael Warnock. Lindsay was to do filing duties for, it turned out, the same doctor. Neither were too impressed at having to wait around, nor at being told they'd be contacted during the next week or two to reschedule, as the doctor was out of town.

Aidan spent most of the rest of his day taping interviews about his newest book.

Lindsay opted to watch the building for a bit, having worked out that the loud frenchman was connected to it. Her diligence resulted in a long bout of tailing, which took her all the way back to the Etruscan to overhear a somewhat subtly probing conversation about the events of the other night when she (and others) were there.

Meanwhile, Olga had set out to contact her federally connected friends. She asked questions about a variety of relevant topics, but got no direct responses, but did get promises of information, and of dinner.

Campbell hooked up with Renee and Cas. Actually they dropped in on her at work and they all had a sharing session regarding the disappearance of Michael and the death of Claire. Then the three of them went to both the medical facility and the Etruscan, looking for any useful information. Not much was to be had, however.

Copyright © 2000-2003, Liam Routt

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