Children's images

Images from December 2005

Orson and Miranda pics
Chair slide
A simple but effective game
Orson and Miranda pics
New table
Very sturdy and versatile
Orson and Miranda pics
Hat please!
Can someone... please...
Orson and Miranda pics
Light switch
She can almost reach it!
Orson and Miranda pics
A quick transition without fanfare
Orson and Miranda pics
Poster boy
Now all he needs is a motorcycle
Orson and Miranda pics
Row row row
Even Miranda can say it
Orson and Miranda pics
Flour boy
An apron, perhaps?
Orson and Miranda pics
Small spaces are much loved
Orson and Miranda pics
The new cooking set was a Christmas hit
Orson and Miranda pics
Lunch destruction
I think that was once bread
Orson and Miranda pics
Diane with new haircut
She even let us take this photo
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