Children's images

Images from December 2008 / January 2009

Orson and Miranda pics
Best friends
Amy and Sakura. Um, I mean Miranda.
Orson and Miranda pics
Best friends
Leon and Orson.
Orson and Miranda pics
The Fives
A place to help your imagination.
Orson and Miranda pics
The last day of school for the 2008 5s.
Orson and Miranda pics
What a lovely shirt
Good thing it's a warm day though..
Orson and Miranda pics
What lovely hats
Bubble madness.
Orson and Miranda pics
Puzzle proficiency 1
Miranda did this all herself. So she says.
Orson and Miranda pics
Puzzle proficiency 2
Orson made this puzzle himself.
It's lovingly hand-carved from... um... hama beads??
Orson and Miranda pics
Bike riding
Ding ding! Look out! Here she comes!
Orson and Miranda pics
Caught in the web
They don't seem too upset!
Continue to February 2009...
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